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Cyphernomicon – Cyberpunk

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I think that people interested in liberties and free speech should read the Cyphernomicon, it is a manifesto about cryptography and how to achieve anonymity.

Around that, there is something called Freenet.

Freenet is a network that uses peer-to-peer technology in conjunction with cypher algorithms to protect the individual from being tracked down, inĀ Freenet you can share files and browse or publish sites called: freesites which are websites only available through the people connected in freenet. You can also put your computer in darknet mode which will allow only your friends to connect to your freesites and provides more anonymity (or at least is more difficult to detect).

Exist another networks like GNUNet and Entropy but I recommend Freenet because is more censorship-resistant. (frees-peech does not mean violate copyright laws).

Written by gumoz

December 18, 2010 at 4:37 pm